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Search Results for AUTUMN

The Living Dead

The Living Dead

My relationship with the films of GEORGE ROMERO is a complicated one. There's no question that his DEAD films were life- and career-changing.


XTRO - a cocooned woman giving birth to eggs over a bathtub, an alien with inverted joints, and a full-size Action Man on the rampage
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Blowing my own Trumpet

I've had a few conversations recently with folks who've just started online businesses, and it's made me realise how INFECTED BOOKS has grown.
12STORIES by David Moody


I have too many ideas and not enough time. Each month, I'll be posting an original short story or novella. This is 12STORIES.
12STORIES by David Moody


I've been planning to write a series called THE SPACES BETWEEN for more than a decade, and this might just be the year when it happens.
12STORIES by David Moody


I calculated I had so many stockpiled ideas it would take 100 years for me to write them all. I wanted to see if I could do it any faster.
Exhibit A

Exhibit A

I'm sure you've seen your fair share of found footage movies. When they're done right, they can be extremely effective. Case in point, EXHIBIT A.
Dead Man's Shoes

Dead Man’s Shoes

Today’s recommendation is DEAD MAN’S SHOES – a disaffected soldier gets even with the thugs who brutalized his mentally challenged brother.