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Pre-order The Last Big Thing

The Last Big Thing by David Moody
Who said all the fun was over by the end of the 25th? Pre-orders for THE LAST BIG THING are now open. Head over to www.infectedbooks.co.uk.


The Hater trilogy by David Moody
The other day a reader sent me a volley of abuse and called me a wanker because they didn't like the end of TRUST. Oh well.

Little Monster

Little Monster movie poster
Cast your mind back to 2016 when WAYNE SIMMONS and I curated the YEAR OF THE ZOMBIE - 12 authors, 12 original zombie novellas.

Hot and getting hotter…

The cover of Straight to You (2014 version) by David Moody
The weather's been unprecedented here in the UK recently. Whenever the sun appears, STRAIGHT TO YOU has a sales spike.


Xinners by Wayne Simmons
XINNERS is a hugely enjoyable, balls-to-the-wall, gore-filled tale of dodgy dealings and reanimated corpses in the outer rim.

Year of the Zombie – out now

Year of the Zombie
In 2016, Wayne Simmons and I curated YEAR OF THE ZOMBIE, which saw a host of authors contribute an original novella to a year long project.