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Bizarre zombie-related stuff received in the post #3

This post is a belated thank you to my sister-in-law Martine.

Ransom note and brain

I got a bit freaked out the other week when the postman delivered a parcel containing a knitted brain and what looked uncomfortably like a ransom note (see the photo to the right). No one was accepting responsibility. Now getting weird things in the post is par for the course in this job (remember this inflatable zombie, and this stunning sculpture of The Swimmer from Patrick Crilley?), but a knitted brain… now that’s a little sinister.

What was even more concerning was the subsequent series of packages I received the following week: knitted legs, guts, a rat, a head, a disembowelled torso, bloody bandages, tattered clothes, and arms, each accompanied by another note with a terrible, dismemberment-related one-liner (Is this doing your head in? This is costing me an arm and a leg… Can you stomach much more of this?… you get the idea).

Long story short – when I unwrapped the last parcel and put all the bits together, this little fellow appeared. A cracking knitted zombie, courtesy of Martine. So this is a huge public thank you to Martine who must have spent hour after hour knitting, then cutting out letters from newspapers to make the (slightly terrifying) accompanying notes. I was seriously disturbed!

knitted zombie

Right, now I need to find something equally bizarre and horrific to send back. Any ideas?